The air in the boxes is removed and fed to the exhaust treatment.


Composting Plants

Closed and open composting facilities


with high efficiency

COMPAG creates as a general contractor turnkey composting facilities for green waste, bio waste, and sewage sludge treated in an open or closed construction.


The COMPAG facilities are characterized by high efficiency. Optimized workflow with the latest technology.


Advantage: low maintenance - an investment which pays off quickly.


No more odor emissions

The closed COMPAG facilities with scrubbers and biofilters bring an end to the odor. The rotting conditions are optimized so that the waste can propagate in a closed system, with no unpleasant odor. The principle is simply brilliant.

In traditional systems the water-saturated, aggressive exhaust in the air  is spreading in the hall without hindrance, condensation, and corrosion would cause permanent damage to buildings and machinery. With the patented, mobile covers from COMPAG, the aggressive air is taken from where it is created and led directly to the biofilters. There remains a pleasant indoor climate without odor; machinery and the building structure are protected from damage by the aggressive exhaust.